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Bottom tripple tree screws


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What size are the screw holes (2) of them on the bottom of the tripple tree?

I want to use that as a mounting point for a Dash Cam.

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You talking the two small holes holding the brake line bracket? Or the 4 the are used for a high fender on a standard bike? Upper or lower tripple?

Edited by Kingsize
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1 hour ago, Kingsize said:

You talking the two small holes holding the brake line bracket? Or the 4 the are used for a high fender on a standard bike? Upper or lower tripple?

If you stand in front of the front tire and look at the lower tripple,  centered about 2" apart there are (2) small threaded holes,  nothing in them, perfect for a bracket mount.

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2 hours ago, ADVUSA said:

What size are the screw holes (2) of them on the bottom of the tripple tree?

I want to use that as a mounting point for a Dash Cam.

Great idea.  I am struggling between a bike mounted cam and a helmet cam.  I like that it can be out of the way.  There are some fabulous GoPro's that are highly rated and have good image stabilization.  What would you be mounting? 


Edited by roygilbo
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1 hour ago, roygilbo said:

Great idea.  I am struggling between a bike mounted cam and a helmet cam.  I like that it can be out of the way.  There are some fabulous GoPro's that are highly rated and have good image stabilization.  What would you be mounting? 


I use a GoPro with a poor mount design 95% of the time. I'm upgrading my helmet to a better helmet and will use a Dango chin mount. Primarily I really wanted to mount the Lightdow camera somewhere so it was "always on when powered on."  I have a Givi tall screen and a Garmin XT so there is tinting on the windshield and limited bar space so that was the next best choice. It's going to take some time to design and make a custom Camera mount bracket.

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