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Oil Filter advice please


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So i did an oil and filter change at 5k as i have a long trip ahead. Used OEM yam filter, old one off, primed the new filter with oil and fitted after cleaning the area well and making sure there is no double gasket scenario, hand tightened as far as i could. 

run it the first few days and wiped off the old oil around the seal that settled at the bottom (never leaked or dropped to the floor, just a very fine film). 

after around a week of riding had another look to make sure and there is like a very small thin smear of greasy like film at the bottom of the oil filter, almost like a mist(very very fine). Again, no drops, no evidence of leaks or running down the engine casing or any of that.

My question is, is that expected at all? Never torqued my oil filters before and wouldnt want to this time either but just wondering whether it's normal?


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I've been using Yamaha filters since 86 and never noticed an issue. Hand tight no issues. Depending on your strength you could use a wrench but don't crank it down.

Its always tighter taking it off.

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If you lubed the seal with a little engine oil then it’s probably just a trace of oil from the outside edge of the seal seeping through.

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My experience is the same as @mcbrien, no issues with leaks so I'd confirm it's tight,using a wrench if necessary, wipe it down again and monitor,  but not stress. Probably some residual like @Alan M noted.

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I've been happy with the Hi Flo filters and Motul oil.

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I use hiflo also and don't check it after the initial install and run. I will worry if I see oil under the bike. 😂

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