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Yamaha Tenere 700 Forum

OEM Crash Bars


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I removed the OEM crash bars installed by the prior owner.  The rear motor mounts seem like something is supposed to be there, a rubber cover maybe?  I've read on hear that if they are not supporting the crash bars (OEM) they essentially don't do anything.  Someone else said they are the shock mounts on another bike model.  Am I missing something here or just ignore this?  The picture shows the OEM bolt in place with the spacer, but I think I should remove it. On the diagram, it's the space where the spacer is and the No. 8 bolt.  Someone called these the rear engine wings or ears - and they effectively do nothing without the OEM crash bar?  Is there a cover or grommet or something that should go here?



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I fitted mine as the dealer was flat out at the time.

I don't recall anything that was using those lugs.

I would remove the bolt and spacer and strap to the crash bars for safe keeping.

Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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I’m pretty sure this hole is empty and is used as a mounting point on the MT07

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3 hours ago, Lewie said:

I’m pretty sure this hole is empty and is used as a mounting point on the MT07

This /\



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