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T7 Extreme in North America?!?


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I had to pull the plug on my plans a few years ago to buy a T7.  I had to settle for a used KLR instead 😔, but it served its purpose, and it never let me down after 20,000 kms! (aprox half of that off the tarmac)


and in some ways I'm glad I waited, as I continue to watch YouTube reviews on a steady basis.  It is nice to see the available model options being introduced, WR/Extreme.


This fall/winter I am  once again looking to put a T7 in my garage.  But I want the Extreme!  Problem is I live in NA, specifically Canada 


WOW! The offer us a "Canadian Edition", sorry I value function over fashion.  


Why is Yamaha doing this to us!?  Only offering the standard T7 here, but all versions everywhere else in the world.

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The Yamaha people in Japan don’t see the point of what the Yamaha people in France are doing. Until that happens, no soup for you. 

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