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Yamaha Tenere 700 Forum

Jacking up bike for long winter storage


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I have found a lot of threads on the forum with long discussions in regard to jacking up the bike from the skid plate and what the manual says. From what I could get it seems to be more a case of Yamaha being overzealous and not something to worry about.


I have been using a simple jack stand on my 2022 (with the upgraded bash plate) whenever I do maintenance and I haven't had any issues. Now I'm preparing to store the bike for the winter (6 months) and I'm wondering if anyone is doing the same or had any issues having it on a jack stand for that long?


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My T7 has the Tusk bash plate. Bike was on a jack up stand for 15 months, because I was out of commission health wise, and could not get it off the stand. No issues to the bike or the stand.

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I'm in California, so fortunate to ride year-round, but Im curious: what's with removing the wheels?

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12 hours ago, 174ktm said:

My T7 has the Tusk bash plate. Bike was on a jack up stand for 15 months, because I was out of commission health wise, and could not get it off the stand. No issues to the bike or the stand.


I'm sorry to hear about your health man. I hope you are doing better. And thanks for confirming on using the jack stand for long term.

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