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Yamaha Tenere 700 Forum

Sunday ride Nov 22


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So i picked up my T7 yesterday.  bone stock, no mods, I've barely had it a day

Rode over to Santa Cruz to see some pals - have one of them adjust the clickers on the stock suspension for me

rode back over Hwy 9

I haven't learned to edit video yet - (its coming?) - so this s raw,  lots of wind noise,  some slow,   but a bit of a street jaunt on a mostly new bike

Hwy 9 out of Santa Cruz towards Felton -

Felton to Boulder Creek

Bear Creek Road out of Boulder Creek
(includes briefly follwing super vintage Porsche 356)  https://goo.gl/maps/cxreUPx3tZVPqdQDA


last bit of Bear Creek Road --- i got bored so shifted to neutral and coasted - always a game to keep speed up and not overbreak in corners


Edited by cstatman
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Nice.  I picked mine up yesterday from Santa Rosa.   Went out to Bodega and then HW1 home, will make it to HW9 in the next few days

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