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On any Sunday

Rider 101

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Hi 101,


Mate, great loop and up load.  Would you have that ride as a route sheet, or similar, old school yes, but so am I.



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Hi Eight4,

you should be able to download a gpx file that may be converted to a kml for google.

I can do a turn by turn but I don't have the distance between each turn.

I will have a fluff around and see what I come up with.

Basically it is turn right just after Aberdeen. Follow your nose to Moonan Flat.

Just out of Moonan turn right to Barrington Tops NP. A few ks up the road turn left to Barrington.

About 14ks uphill to the dingo gate. Follow about 25 - 30ks and turn left on Pheasant Creek Rd.

Follow to Tomalla Station then turn left on Tomalla Rd which is mostly downhill to Hunter Rd. 

At the bottom turn right to Ellerston ( Kerry Packer's - now Jamie's - flash polo joint )

At Ellerston turn left on Pages Creek Rd. Follow to Timor Rd then turn left to Waverley and Gundy.

Simples 😁

My interwebby here at home is seriously crap ( lucky to have 1mbs download ) but work is blistering. I will do up a google maps route tomorrow and you should be able to work out distance quite easily


Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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You can load GPX files to Google maps, max 5mb file size but then you have a trip over 7000km.

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With an internet speed of 1.0mbs not much works !!


Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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  • 7 months later...

Wow! The crickets are deafening. 

I am doing the RideAdv Bridge to Bridge in a couple of weeks so time for a shakedown of home fabricated pannier plates. Off for a bit of a run through the Upper Hunter tomorrow. We have had some devastating floods recently but  think I can avoid deep washed out creek crossings.

Photos tomorrow night 



  RideADV.com.au is proud to announce the next ride in the Yamaha Australia and Adventure Moto supported “B2B” (Bridge to Bridge) series. The Bridge to Bridge events pay homage to...


This will be my 4th; missed the last one

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Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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As promised. Cool but sunny start to the day. Back roads to Merriwa then on to Kars Springs.


The mountains beckon.




mountains beckon_1.jpg


The hills in sight



hills in sight.jpg


The road through the foot of the Liverpool Range was in surprisingly good condition despite recent rains.

The T7 is a ray of sunshine!



ray of sunshine.jpg


The wildlife was very attractive today! 




Despite the calm appearance the horse ( a Brumby ) was very spooked by my bike. I pulled up, got off the bike and removed my helmet. The horse calmed down immediately so I had a chat the the young lady and a pat of Acer.


Lesson is when riding near a slightly spooked horse stop and get off. have a chat to the rider and let them peacefully and safely go on their way. I hope she rides off and tells her friends not all of us are arses when others are involved.

Edited by Rider 101

Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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Hi 101,


Mate, my apologies, somehow I missed your reply, sorry about that.  Only that you put a new msg up did I realise that I had asked you a question, some time back.

The Bridge to bridge, I did the very first one on a kitted TTR300 with Tony Kirby, (RIP). I think it was 96 or 97, too long ago.

Your trip description will be more than enough to get me out of trouble.

Again sorry for being a cricket.


Cheers .


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I had the pleasure of meeting TK somewhere in the Cells. I was sweep riding for John Liddell at the time and TK was out by himself.

Alcohol! No good story starts with a salad.

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He was a gentleman and all round good bloke, the founder of adventure riding here in Aus.  He actually did an article about that TTR in his Side Track mag which took a couple of days, along with the early days of DSMRA I did a few rides with Tony.  Would suspect I have crossed your path also.  Take care. 

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