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What chain type is OEM on T7 rally ?

Old tenere phil


I feel kinda stupid asking this but is the original chain on the T7 (rally ed if it matters) a sealed chain I.e. O ring , X ring etc. Or is it just a normal non sealed chain . I assume the later as mine has got in mess with surface rust  just being ridden and left in my damp garage with the odd ride not getting a clean. 


I need to know before I take a wire brush to it or not or decide to replace it.

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Nowadays it's all sealed with at least an O-ring.
Once very 250 to 500km depending on the weather and road surface (500 only in dry clean roads) a bit of lubrication after a ride when the chain is warm is enough.
When you do want to clean a chain spray it with a penetrating oil/WD 40 (the only good use for that crap) to thin old dried greasy stuff and wipe it off with a rag and then lube it with a chainlube or left over engine oil.
I use an Osco oiler with the Osco bio degradable oil because i think those little things do more than electrifying everything and other crazy Shet our governments think of but fly with private jets all over the world to meetings discussing these plans.

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1 hour ago, Old tenere phil said:

wire brush to it

O-ring and X-rings don't like wire brushes (or power washers or air hoses)

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T7 oem chain is a DID xring


It does however have a slightly smaller diameter pin size than the DID vx series.....pin diamter is .20 where the VX chains are .21

Makes a diff when sourcing a link...either clip or rivet.


I removed my oem chain when new and regeared and went with a gold DID vx chain....bought a DID 525 rivet link to be able to reuse the oem chain later and discovered the DID vx series links are slightly bigger in pin diameter and wont work...need to source a 525 link with .20 pin diameter

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6 hours ago, Hibobb said:

O-ring and X-rings don't like wire brushes (or power washers or air hoses)

Yeah that's why I wanted to know before I did anything 👍

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7 hours ago, Ray Ride4life said:

Nowadays it's all sealed with at least an O-ring.
Once very 250 to 500km depending on the weather and road surface (500 only in dry clean roads) a bit of lubrication after a ride when the chain is warm is enough.
When you do want to clean a chain spray it with a penetrating oil/WD 40 (the only good use for that crap) to thin old dried greasy stuff and wipe it off with a rag and then lube it with a chainlube or left over engine oil.
I use an Osco oiler with the Osco bio degradable oil because i think those little things do more than electrifying everything and other crazy Shet our governments think of but fly with private jets all over the world to meetings discussing these plans.

Thanks , that's very helpful info 👍

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Surface rust isn’t pretty but probably doesn’t affect chain function.  I wipe my chain down with a lightly kerosened rag and relube with no fling chain lube every 1000 miles or so.  It looks and works great with 17,500 miles on it.

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