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Solo overnight camping trips


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How many of you have done or do this?  I've never gone on a solo moto camping trip and am trying to gather up the motivation to try this! Often times planning a camping trip with others is so hit/miss with different schedules. Sometimes I'd like to just gear up the bike and go for a few days! 


What have you done? 



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Long trips i always go solo, you can check blogs about trips but also what i take with me on ride4life.nl (all English).

But do you have specific questions?

I think there are enough people on this forum who do solo trips.

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When I travel alone, I've always had more fun! It is with such a journey that you have more acquaintances and new friends on the way, more interesting and unexpected events! You live in Europe, you have a lot of opportunities where to go and what to see! Don't think about nothing, just sit down and drive!

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8 hours ago, Ray Ride4life said:

Long trips i always go solo, you can check blogs about trips but also what i take with me on ride4life.nl (all English).

But do you have specific questions?

I think there are enough people on this forum who do solo trips.

I just started looking at your blog a little bit ago.  I didn't realize they were solo trips.  I'll have to dig in some more!



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I've always enjoyed solo day trips quite a bit, and have been doing that for decades now.  I get to go where/when I want to, no stopping to get agreements from other riders on which direction to go, what to do next etc. (Plus, no offense to other riders I ride with, but I'm usually more prepared and do more bike maintenance etc).


But, at 1st thought I imagine it being super boring to do the full overnight trip or more?  It also sounds quite peaceful at the same time.  I know that kind of sounds ridiculous but that's the part I'm trying to get past right now.  I'm mostly just looking to hear from others about their trips with an emphasis on the solo part to inspire me to hit the road and just do it.



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1 hour ago, DT675 said:

I just started looking at your blog a little bit ago.  I didn't realize they were solo trips.  I'll have to dig in some more!

The first on the blog was the first part with a friend and the rest solo, the other long trips where solo.

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I did all our looong trips with my brother. These were our trips outside europe. In many parts of the world we found it more pleasant to be together. Sharing impressions, dealing with bordercrossing troubles, pulling the bike out rivers, etc..... We are a team. But shorter trips in europe i do often alone. I like it too. Just pack my camping gear and ride off, no planning. Its adventure, you know 😎. Sometimes you met an other rider and share a route. Often at campsites you met other (motorbike)travelers to share experience. I would say, just do it. Get inspired at


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4 hours ago, DT675 said:

at 1st thought I imagine it being super boring to do the full overnight trip or more?

Like i said, the first big trip i started with a friend but when i went solo i was less alone and the nights i did was alone it's also nice.
A lot of people have problems being with themselves but i like to be alone without distractions like TV or a computer sometimes.
I always say, you never find something better if you never try something new so just try it.
If you like it you can find peace and if not there are still 2 options, you get bored and go home or you meet your demons and learn what issues you have to resolve.
It's a win either way.

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Do it!  I like riding with a friend best, but it’s worth pushing yourself to go solo once in a while.  Make your own choices, take your own risks, enjoy your own success.

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No coincidence I guess, but like 95% of my riding is solo my camping has always had a similar solo percentage.  Since I retired last year it's even better now because I'm out during the week avoiding crowds and I can be very spontaneous not trying to coordinate schedules with others.  


A few pics from my first camping trip on the T7 in April of this year during a BDR ride into northern PA shows how nice and peaceful it is to get away from everything and everyone sometimes. Mine was the only tent in a family-owned campground along a river, with about 200 yards to my nearest neighbor. I'm not anti-social, but do appreciate solitude.



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I try to do most my riding on the week days while a lot of the nutters are at work.  So much quiter and calmer everywhere.   At the campgrounds, in the woods.  



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