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T700 Worl Raid first ride 2up

Lord Vader

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As it was a public holiday here in Germany and the weather was gorgeous  we decided to have a ride over to the city of Wuppertal. 

Wuppertal is famous for his suspended Railway. 

While that was OK the city and the ride there was not pretty at all. But hey


So 2up


I have about 100000 miles experience 2up on my old GSA's so I was really excited to see what the WR would be like


First obvious observation 


Less space for the girl at the back. For us not a problem as she is little but before on the GSA's I sometimes did not feel her behind me. 

Now I do😊



Obviously more dive but once I was used to it was good


Slow speed handling was just outstanding 👌 

Even with a higher centre of gravity than the GSA I found it easier to drop below 10kmh without clutch dragging 

I know it is also the gearing but I found her also easier to balance 

Impressed as I have not even touched the suspension yet


Motor way

we did a short 30km run on the motorway which she handled with ease.  

Average speed 130-140kmh

Higher screen is brilliant 

No weaving ,nothing,just nice solid runnig


But she is a mainly solo travel bike anyway but I just wanted to find out how she would do compared to the best 2 up long distance tourer


No,of course she is not as good


But she is nearly half the price


That's a lot of fuel and travel money

Plus what I am planning to do a bit more off-road capabilities are appreciated 😎



This was just a little day trip. For us it was fine


This year will be for bike setup and a short 2 week holiday in the UK and mainly weekend trips fine tuning my setup

My old paniers I could load blindfolded 

These are smaller so I need a rethink and repack.


Next year Feb we gone do the Primus rally in Norway in February.  😎



3 x 1 week trip to the Alps to do the military roads and Forts


A few normal 1 night weekend rides


So yes,let's see how she copes


Oh and she is easier to pick up than the GSA 🙄

Sidestand snapped back up again,slow motion drop. No scratches😎🤣

Yes ,I know she has the paniers on

All my bikes always have as I do not own a car.  I need them when I go shopping 

But yes,I certainly felt the difference in weight. I picked my GSA's a lot,I know they are fat bitches🤣🤣🤣

Ride safe




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