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Ever hear chain breaking sprocket guard stud?


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Anyone ever hear of a chain breaking the front sprocket guard stud mount????


At 5:15 this can cause an engine case break.


Beyond that, what are some of the better front sprocket metal guards that can provide good case protection?



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I'm having a hard time understanding how the chain derailed while coming out of a campsite and while running a chain guide. But he does go on to say that he also overtightened the chain and didn't realize it for 5000 km, causing his countershaft seal to go out, so we might be getting some clues as to the root cause! Hopefully he's found the Goldilocks tension.


A 525 is definitely overspec'd for a lot of Teneres, and I think as long as you set tension properly, none of this should happen. I can see how having a chain guide might actually increase the chance of making mistakes. You can't check tension to spec with it on, and it takes a while to get used to accurately eyeballing it. I was ultra paranoid with mine for a long time, but I'm around his mileage now with no problems. My rear wheel is off pretty frequently though, so I'm always double checking tension and asking for a second opinion, because I'm still just normal paranoid now.


I actually came across a Gilles Tooling sprocket cover yesterday while window shopping, but I think it's also plastic? It seems oddly cheap looking compared to their other ones. I'm all for protection, but I think in this case the money is probably better spent on a Slack Setter.

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In 8000 miles I have never had to adjust my chain 

I re-set after the 600 mile service and that’s it 

I have a rear chain guide from new 

My lower chain dips down in a nice arc

Too tight a chain on a bike with this much travel is bad news 

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Chains damaging engine cased is not that unusual.   More common in dirt bikes in my experience.

Plenty of dirt bikes have the option to get aftermarket case guards.

I am with @JB700, adjusting on the loose side is good.


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I use a Slacker sag setter to adjust my chain.  I also found it difficult to get the proper chain tension measuring as per the owner's manual. A one time Slacker measurement with the countershaft sprocket, swingarm bolt and rear axle in alignment is now my reference to quickly put the chain at maximum tension.  I find this quicker than using a straightedge. 


To set my chain tension, I remove a bolt on the shock linkage to let the swingarm move freely. I then use a tie down strap and the Slacker to pull the swingarm up to the correct position to adjust the chain. At that point, I want to see it not be under tension, but with limited extra looseness. 

Edited by Hollybrook
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