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Yamaha Tenere 700 Forum

Shoei Hornet ADV Transitions Visor - UK Deal !


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https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SHOEI-CNS2-CNS-2-TRANSITION-PHOTO-CHROMATIC-REACTOLITE-VISOR/293776548045?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649Hi All


I have a 2020 Shoei  ADV and came across the Shoei Transitions Visor on Ebay UK , HGB Motorcycles are selling them at around £194 or 'Best Offer' - I fancied one and put in a silly offer of £125 ( I know a lot for a Visor.... but I think they are great ) and they accepted, now have Visor and it works very well, not as dark as my 'not for road use' black visor, but close enough for me.

Anyway, if you have this lid and fancy saving £70 on RRP - try a similar offer or less if you fancy !

Edited by Spelldrummer
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