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From France to the road of bones


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great trip! I envy you and I've ridden a part of this route five years ago, via Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Tjazikistsn and Kirgizstan. I really, really, really recommend riding that route - the Pamir Highway is an incredibly beautiful road, as is Mongolia. Unfortunately we stranded in Ulaanbaatar and weren't able to do the BAM and road of bones (and the infamous Vitim bridge). Let me know if you're interested, I'll share any information I have.


Just as an impression a movie I made of that trip (the editing isn't great to be honest - the first one I ever made - but it gives some idea what you'll come across on the first half of the trip):





Edited by WalterT
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On 10/31/2019 at 8:57 PM, sebti said:

Hi all,

From may to september 2020, I will start my travel from France ton Magadan, riding on the road of bones 🙂

My plan is... to be free.

I don't know yet wich way will I take. I will be my third time in this lovely Russia ans  have now some friend to see 🙂

I think ride by Kazakhstan , Tadjikistan, Mongolia to go to Magadan. For coming back home, I don't know but I would like to ride too , but I dn't know. The travel will decide himself...

About the ténéré, I write some articles on my website " traces-deux-roues.com" about the preparation and the parts I try on it.

You can follow "Mobylette Rollers" on instagram and facebook

See you on the road 🙂

projet magadan1.jpg

Now that looks like a great ride and an excellent test for the new Yamaha. Good luck!

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44 minutes ago, WalterT said:

Great trip! I envy you and I've ridden a part of this route five years ago, via Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Tjazikistsn and Kirgizstan. I really, really, really recommend riding that route - the Pamir Highway is an incredibly beautiful road, as is Mongolia. Unfortunately we stranded in Ulaanbaatar and weren't able to do the BAM and road of bones (and the infamous Vitim bridge). Let me know if you're interested, I'll share any information I have.


Just as an impression a movie I made of that trip (the editing isn't great to be honest - the first one I ever made - but it gives some idea what you'll come across on the first half of the trip):





Good video 👍

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  • 1 month later...

hi all,

a small video about the trip... 🙂



Find "mobylette rollers" on social medias ! 🙂

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  • 1 month later...

Bonne courage pour cette journée.

Beacoup de chance pour vous.

Et c'est ca que c'est bon


Edited by Lupan
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On 10/31/2019 at 10:57 AM, sebti said:

Hi all,

From may to september 2020, I will start my travel from France ton Magadan, riding on the road of bones 🙂

My plan is... to be free.

I don't know yet wich way will I take. I will be my third time in this lovely Russia ans  have now some friend to see 🙂

I think ride by Kazakhstan , Tadjikistan, Mongolia to go to Magadan. For coming back home, I don't know but I would like to ride too , but I dn't know. The travel will decide himself...

About the ténéré, I write some articles on my website " traces-deux-roues.com" about the preparation and the parts I try on it.

You can follow "Mobylette Rollers" on instagram and facebook

See you on the road 🙂

projet magadan1.jpg

Great trip.


If you are interested, there is a guy in my country who went for a trip to Siberia this year in January (middle of winter) on Honda XL600.



I wish you best.

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6 hours ago, slawmir said:

Great trip.


If you are interested, there is a guy in my country who went for a trip to Siberia this year in January (middle of winter) on Honda XL600.



I wish you best.

I have followed him 😉

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Find "mobylette rollers" on social medias ! 🙂

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  • 2 months later...

@sebti I really hope we will ge rid of "confinement" and you will be able to carry out that journey !

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I have delayed my trip at 2021... Too many borders will be closed again, it is impossible.

It's better to report the trip and enjoy it... 😉

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Find "mobylette rollers" on social medias ! 🙂

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  • 1 year later...

@sebti voilà qu'on est déjà 2022. Le temps passe, mais la put1 de pandémie non... Tu suis toujours tes plans pour le voyage ? J'espÚre que tu n'a pas été contraint de les abandonner aprÚs tout... 

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Salut, Non c'est toujours prĂ©vu ! J'espĂšre que les portes rouvriront et dĂšs que ce sera la cas, je serai prĂ©sent ! 🙂

Find "mobylette rollers" on social medias ! 🙂

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Bien, bien. Un jour les frontiÚres devront réouvrir, mais je n'ose vraiment plus faire des paris. 


En tous cas, j'essaierai de revenir en 57 faire un peu de TET au printemps. Si ça te tente, fais moi un signe et je te préviendrai.


C'est peut-ĂȘtre plus rĂ©aliste Ă  moyen terme qu'un voyage au bout du monde...

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