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LED indicator rear right flashes continuously


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today, I swapped my oem bulb indicators with aftermarket leds together with a relais from off the road. I checked the polarity: black -, yellow +, red or white is signal+ for drl and/or brakelight. Front is working fine. In the back i hooked up both indicators identicly - black on black, yellow on yellow/blue, red on yellow signal+ from the oem brakelight.


Rear left indicator ist working fine - flashes when its supposed to flash and lights up when i brake. Rear right however is flashing orange. No matter if i press the indicator switch left or right... it flashes continuously out of sequence like its hooked up to constant + and -. Brakelight function doesnt work either. I also tried discontecting the wiring form the brakelight - no change.


This confuses me, because why would it get constant + ? Why only on that line? Every indicator gets signal+ from the same relais.


Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance

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Try swapping the indicators around and see if the fault follows.

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Not sure but sometimes LED indicators use such low power that the relay will have strange switching behavior; indicator will be containiously on or flashing to fast. If I'm correct this problem is also described as LED hyper flash sometimes (Maybe you can Google something about LED hyper flash to find out if this problem is like yours?).

Besides maximum current, relays often also have a minimum switching current value. The current drawn from your LED indicator should be in between the minimum and maximum of the relay.

You can calculate the current of your LED indicator by this simple formula:


Current = Power / Voltage 


For example: 3W LED indicator = 3W / 12V = 0,25A


If you end up with the value which is under the minimum you can increase this value by adding load resistors in between the relay and the LED turn signals.

They also sell this at OFF THE ROAD including some extra explanation about how to use them.


Not sure if this helps with your problem, since the problem only seems to occur on only one of the indicators. However if you are just on the edge of the minimum switching current, this could lead to some unexpected behaviour (I once had this on an older KTM.. Then adding a simple resistor fixed it for me).

Perhaps you can check if can find some specifications on a datasheet from the relay and LED indicators. Hope this possibly helps for you!


Edited by Zefiros
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I had the issue Zefiros described above when swapping my stock bulbs for LEDs. Even with a new flasher relay intended for use with the new LEDs they flashed too fast and I had to install resistors. However, I believe both front and rear should behave the same so hearing that only one of your four signals is misbehaving is strange and makes me think wiring issue or faulty signal. If you don’t have resistors on hand you could try temporarily wiring your old signal in line with the new misbehaving one and see what happens. The old bulb should pull enough power to correct any potential issue with the flasher relay and they might both start flashing properly…someone please correct me if this sounds crazy.

Edited by Samm
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