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List - Spreadsheet


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Because I have OCD - too much time - and not enough ladies?

I have started compiling a spreadsheet of all possible parts to add to my T700 ---- which STILL has not delivered.
mostly culled from this forum, youtube videos, and browsing many of the ADV accessory makers from when I built out my SuperTen a few years back.

Is this something of interest?  and if so?  where could I upload so others could add or comment?


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Always interested in other's research when it comes to mods. I can't see an upload option for docs, you may have to upload it as an image page by page. I'm sure one of the moderators will pipe in soon and let you know the options..:-)

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Hogan, you made my morning brighter, thank you.  🙂

As I fitfully slept on the spreadsheet idea, i realized, I should put in a counter, or comment section, so folks can tell what they think

i.e.  "this bash plate doesn't work with those headers" or "this clutch lever allows wheelies that drop knickers"   etc.


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i don't actually know how - but I'll ask Wonderboy (my 14 yr old) to explain it - and figure out how to share there.

Brilliant idea, thanks Mike

ALSO!  as I am working on it -  I realize its a big list of stuff - and I SO DO NOT want to upset or offend ANY of the vendors who support this site, and all of us

I am not endorsing ANY of the products (till I buy em)
Just collecting a list

I realized, I am missing lots of engine performance mods, tires, and such
A shared doc would be a freakin great place for everyone to be able to add to that.

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Called Wonderboy who took a 2.5 minute break from his ZOOM remote school learning, and informed me how simple it is, and I should be able to figure this out, etc etc, dont I know anything about computers, etc etc

I hope this link works for ya'll - and I hope it is editable - please feel free to ADD to it


Sheet1 Item,Vendor,Model/part#,URL,Price,Comment/Notes ABS Sensor Guard,Xitomer,<a...


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Hi tried to add this but unfortunately it wouldn't allow me to do it .


AltRider DualControl Brake System for the Yamaha Tenere 700 - The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards. Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before being able to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have


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Stephen,  Sorry, I only learned to use Google Docs about 2 hours ago --- but I added in the pedal

thank you

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20 hours ago, cstatman said:

Called Wonderboy who took a 2.5 minute break from his ZOOM remote school learning, and informed me how simple it is, and I should be able to figure this out, etc etc, dont I know anything about computers, etc etc

I hope this link works for ya'll - and I hope it is editable - please feel free to ADD to it


Sheet1 Item,Vendor,Model/part#,URL,Price,Comment/Notes ABS Sensor Guard,Xitomer,<a...


Awesome list, keep up the good work.

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21 hours ago, cstatman said:

Called Wonderboy who took a 2.5 minute break from his ZOOM remote school learning, and informed me how simple it is, and I should be able to figure this out, etc etc, dont I know anything about computers, etc etc

I hope this link works for ya'll - and I hope it is editable - please feel free to ADD to it


Sheet1 Item,Vendor,Model/part#,URL,Price,Comment/Notes ABS Sensor Guard,Xitomer,<a...


Great initiative, thank you


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Very cool.


There is a "Request access" button you can click, to request access to edit. I believe that the owner can also just make it editable by all. 


Trying to think of a good way to make the sheet more easy to cross reference - if you had for example, another sheet with columns for rear racks, pannier racks, pannier system, upper crash bar, lower crash bar, skid plate, then folks could add their equipment. Then you could go there, filter on skid plate, for example, and you would get a good idea which parts fitted with that skid plate. 


Also, good idea to note the currency in your price column.



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Mike, thanks - great suggestions...

I tried to make it editable by all - but apparently i'm not good at it
I pickup Wonderboy from his mom on Sunday, he promised to help me out and educate me on Google Sheets Permissions next week.

All Currency is U$D - except 3 lines in AUD - now highlighted yellow

Not sure how to make cross referencing to other sheet, but I like the idea - and if you have any ideas on how to do it?  It would be awesome.  

I'd also like a sheet where the other lads could put comments about the item
e.g.  "I have the SW Moto Racks and they are strong but 72' wide, and you cannot lane split with them"
"I installed the Camel ADV Graphics kit, now when I ride, all I can hear is the WHOOSHING sound as gals underpanties rush to the ground when I go by"

etc. etc.

My goal is to figure out which products are good for which need.
so everyone can determine what their specific need is, and buy best in class
Are you headed to Baja, what luggage is best for desert
Are you a single track fiend, and need to know which suspension kit provides best rebound
Are you commuting, and need the best possible windscreen


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Just got the call from my dealer - picking up T7dark on Saturday

time to order up parts

Already ordered from Camel 
Anti Bobble, Tail Tidy and FootPegs

Watch for the green highlights on spread - thats what i'm buying


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picked up this morning.  rode 60 miles of twisty windey nor cal roads on the way home

it is nice.  I am very pleased.

Will start cataloging the buildup

(mine's the dark one, my pal Dan got the blue one)
dealer made me an offer I had to take on Yamaha Engine Bars - will pickup from her Tuesday - and get install on the way



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/18/2020 at 10:14 AM, cstatman said:

Called Wonderboy who took a 2.5 minute break from his ZOOM remote school learning, and informed me how simple it is, and I should be able to figure this out, etc etc, dont I know anything about computers, etc etc

I hope this link works for ya'll - and I hope it is editable - please feel free to ADD to it


Sheet1 Item,Vendor,Model/part#,URL,Price,Comment/Notes ABS Sensor Guard,Xitomer,<a...


Dude you rock.. thanks for doing this !  Can I barrow some $$ ?

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its a google doc - which i BARELY know how to use - but edit it, add to it,  grow it!


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